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  • Writer's pictureLubna Siddiqi

Embarking on a Journey of Passion and Purpose

From a young age, my dream of becoming someone who leaves her mark on the planet was strong. I envisioned doing something to make the world a better place. Being an imaginative child, I would gaze into the sky during the day and imagine various shapes in the clouds. At night, I would imagine traveling through infinity.

As the years passed, my aspirations kept changing. I envisioned becoming an astronaut, a singer, an actor, a veterinarian, and a medical doctor. Yet, life, with its unpredictable turns, charted a different course for me. The unexpected opportunity to assume the role of a school principal became the pivotal moment that altered the trajectory of my life, but then, I was unable to take on the role, being 'too young'. Although teaching, training, consulting, and banking were paths I never foresaw, they became integral pathways of my professional journey.

Today, as an academic in higher education, I wear the title of a doctor, not in medicine but in education. Perhaps, my calling is to nurture and heal education and the spirits of those it touches. A fervent advocate for learning and development, I have ardently pursued programs in every facet of my career, whether in industry or academia. The journey was challenging, with many obstacles, but they helped shape the person I am today.

 I share my thoughts and experiences with the hope of inspiring people around the world and perhaps connecting with others. I aim to discover commonalities alongside differences that can create a safe and loving community of like-minded individuals.


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