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  • Writer's pictureLubna Siddiqi

Hopes and Dreams

Updated: Jan 24

 In our youth, the world is a canvas of awe and wonder, our spirits untouched by the complexities of life. As we grow, our experiences are shaped by familial influences, societal expectations, and the dynamic tapestry of our own encounters. Despite most of us harbouring dreams of love, peace, and happiness, life often diverges from these ideals. I can personally attest to this, as none of my childhood dreams unfolded as expected.


As a little girl, the stars and the moon were my companions. The night sky, with the moon taking occasional leaves from Earth, fascinated me. Television shows about space and talking animals fuelled my imagination, and when asked about my future, I dreamt of becoming an actor and singer. I could effortlessly learn songs after just one listen, and my early ambition was to reach the stars, aspiring to become an astronaut.


However, limited resources and lack of support compelled me to alter my dreams. My mother, who aspired to be a medical doctor, faced her own dream-shattering incident. Encouraged by her, and being an excellent student, I embarked on a path toward medicine. Though I loved animals more than humans and initially wanted to be a vet, circumstances pushed me toward my mother's aspirations. Yet, like her, my medical dream collapsed due to a family accident. It was disheartening, considering the prayers I had fervently made for divine intervention.


As a teenager, a serendipitous visit to a TV station opened the doors to small roles in various shows—comedy and tragedy—and eventually, to the world of stage and modelling. It was a realm where I felt alive and successful. However, just as I began to rejoice in this success, life took another unexpected turn, shattering my hopes and dreams once again.


This relentless cycle of shattered dreams forged a strength anchored in my faith. Resilience became my companion as I continually built new dreams, each evolving or breaking, yet propelling me forward. Amidst the turmoil, one constant emerged—the unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This drive led me to traverse disciplines, earning degrees in Science, Education, Management, Psychology, and eventually, a PhD in Education and Spirituality, focusing on leadership, pedagogy and higher education. In the end, my prayers to God were answered; I became a doctor, but in academia, not medicine; I should have been more specific!


This journey, marked by twists and turns, setbacks, and adaptability, is a testament to the human spirit's resilience. The recurring theme of shattered dreams woven into the fabric of diverse experiences speaks not of defeat but of the ability to transform and thrive. The pursuit of knowledge and the flexibility to embrace new paths have not only defined my unique journey but have also led to unexpected and fulfilling destinations. This is a narrative I hold dear, one that I am passionate about sharing to inspire others never to give up in the face of life's challenges.


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